Educational Programs

YÉOL offers various educational programs on traditional Korean culture through lectures, including the YÉOL LECTURE series conducted in English, domestic and overseas field trips to historical sites, museum tours, and walking tours of historic Seoul. We also seek to promote young people’s interest in traditional culture through the Young YÉOL program, which includes cultural heritage trips and lectures.

  • The YÉOL LECTURE series was started in 2003 at the Seoul Museum of History. The lectures are for both foreign residents in Korea and Koreans who wish to act as goodwill ambassadors in promoting Korean culture or those who seek to gain a deeper understanding of Korean culture. Lectures contain various topics on Korean history and culture.
  • YÉOL also hosts a special lecture series by inviting distinguished scholars on various topics. Among the many lectures, Director Yoon Yol Soo of Gahoe Museum, hosted the annual New Year’s Lecture on the zodiac animal corresponding to the year for 12 years. Also, Wendy O’Neil, President of the Asia Cultural Council and Melissa Berman of the Rockefeller Charity Advisory Team have given lectures on the tradition of 50 years of cultural support by the Rockefeller family through the Asia Cultural Council.
  • YÉOL organizes walking tours of Seoul that allows participants to discover the cultural and historical heritage lying in the corners of Seoul.
  • The cultural excursion program is all about learning and experiencing Korea’s history and culture by traveling through scenic natural and historic sites.
  • The YÉOL Mom program offers field trips and workshops for mothers and children, through which we hope to pass down awareness for the importance of our cultural heritage to the next generation.
  • The Young YÉOL program offers cultural heritage field trips and lectures for younger members so that they are better equipped for the task of preserving our cultural heritage in the future.
  • The YÉOL Junior program helps adolescents to understand and cherish the beauty and value of Korean culture through lectures, field trips, and hands-on activities.
언어 강좌
구분 제목 작성일
20 2020 하반기 LECTURE (온라인교육) 2020-10-13
19 2020 상반기 LECTURE (온라인교육) 2020-05-15
18 2019 LECTURE 2019-02-25
17 2018 LECTURE 2018-03-19
16 2017 LECTURE 2017-02-15
15 2017 SEMU-YÉOL LECTURE Launches 2017-02-07
14 2016 LECTURE 2016-10-21
13 2015 LECTURE 2015-07-08
12 2014 LECTURE 2014-07-09
11 2013 LECTURE 2013-07-10