Educational Programs

YÉOL’s educational programs on traditional Korean culture include the YÉOL Lecture for non-Koreans that is conducted in English, domestic and overseas field trips to historical sites, museum tours, and the historical walking tour of Seoul. Our educational programs are updated every year. To encourage young people’s involvement in traditional Korean culture, YÉOL provides the “Young YÉOL Program” that includes cultural heritage trips and lectures.

Cultural heritage preservation works cannot last long without the participation of the next generation. The Young YÉOL program offers cultural heritage field trips and lectures for the young people who deeply wish to learn and cherish the beauty of our traditions.

2017 영예올 역사산책 (Young YÉOL Historic Walking Tour)작성일   2018-04-02



Apr 15, 2017

영예올 역사산책-창경궁 (Young YÉOL Historic Walking Tour - Changgyeonggung Palace)


4 15 창경궁에서 영예올 역사산책 모임을 가졌습니다. 아름답고 고색창연한 창경궁을 바라보며, 따뜻한 봄날의 경치를 즐길 있던 시간이었습니다.